Fear the Walking Dead season 7 episode 15
Before we reach the final episode of season 7 of Fear The Walking Dead, why not stop to see where we left off last week with the latest Things To Note! “Amina” was the final episode for Alicia Clark, and it was strange.
Alicia spent most of the episode chasing around and talking to a little girl, who kept egging her on to help find and rescue her friend, trapped in the Tower. Eventually, Alicia would discover that her guide was none other than herself, at least, a hallucination of her younger self, brought on by her worsening fever. The friend she was trying to rescue would turn out to be Victor Strand, who had opted to stay behind in the Tower while the group escaped to the Gulf of Mexico. By the end of the episode, she would retrieve Strand and, with the help of the rest of the group, bring him back to the beach to escape the impending nuclear smog the Tower’s burning would create.
However, amongst Alicia’s adventures were a slew of hints, clues, references, trivia, and small details that you might have overlooked. I took the time to pore over the episode (as I do each week) and find as many of these bits of information as I could to amass them all here and prevent you from having to go looking for them.
Are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of Fear The Walking Dead: Things To Note!