Tales of the Walking Dead is set to premiere in August. This is an exciting development as fans wait for news of the premiere of season 11 part 3 of The Walking Dead, which most likely won’t happen until October. The series itself is exciting as it will be another piece in the TWDU that expands the stories. Another exciting addition is Samantha Morton joining and reprising her role as Alpha. Or as someone else?
In the recent promo photos released by AMC for Tales of the Walking Dead, Samantha Morton is referred to as Dee. In the main series, we learned little of this character prior to becoming Alpha.
She was married to Frank, who she killed sometime after the outbreak; she had a daughter Lydia, who left The Whisperers to join our survivors. We also saw how she met Beta (FKA Half Moon) and the pair formed The Whisperers.
Tales of the Walking Dead – Alpha

The promo photo gives us two clues about the timeline in which her Tales of TWD story could take place.
One is her hair. It is long in the photo, but we saw her shave it in flashbacks during season 9 of The Walking Dead.
Also, the name Dee. Her real name was never revealed in the main series, but she used Deborah during her infiltration of the Kingdom’s Fair. Many fans believed this was her real name, which could be shortened to Dee.
Considering these two things, it appears we will get a story pre-outbreak or at the onset. Alpha/Dee is a fascinating character, especially knowing where she ends up. Learning more about what made her into Alpha will be an episode fans will be anxious to watch.
This is exciting as this is precisely the stories fans want to see from this series. Stories we didn’t see during the main show but are of great interest.
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