Fear The Walking Dead, Survival Rule: Stranger Danger

Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC
Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Lauren "Lo" Smith/AMC /
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Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Lennie James as Morgan Jones, Lyndon Smith as Ava – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 16 – Photo Credit: Lauren “Lo” Smith/AMC
Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Lennie James as Morgan Jones, Lyndon Smith as Ava – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 7, Episode 16 – Photo Credit: Lauren “Lo” Smith/AMC /

Fear the Walking Dead

Some strangers may be trying to lure you into an ambush.

I mentioned earlier that strangers you meet in the apocalypse might appear friendly but, in actuality, may be quite the opposite. The principal way such people reveal themselves is by walking you into a good, old-fashioned ambush.

I don’t need to tell you what an ambush is, but I would be remiss if I didn’t warn you of some of the ways that your new friends-turned-enemies might attempt to get you to where their cohorts are waiting to attack.

Firstly, suppose a stranger is quick to invite you to their base or to meet their group, with slight suspicion and distrust (Except, of course, the obligatory disarming) that you would expect. In that case, there’s a pretty good chance (Especially with the whole “disarming” thing) that you’re being prepped to walk into a trap.

Secondly, suppose a stranger is offering you something like food, water, or a safe place to sleep, again with little effort dedicated to vetting you. In that case, chances are that they’re not bothering to vet you because they have no intention of letting you live long to threaten them.

Lastly, if the stranger(s) you’ve met invite you into a safe, secure place with only one entrance/exit, then, much like Ava did to Morgan and Madison, don’t be too surprised to find that the place is either booby-trapped, or your host has a powerful weapon lying in wait for them and plans on turning it on you the moment you’re stuck inside with them.

How you would counter these potential ambushes depends on the situation you find yourself in. Still, the important thing is to be aware of the ways people may be setting you up for such an ambush so that you can avoid them altogether and not risk wasting precious ammo or sustaining potential injury having to fight your way out.