What is the best episode from season 1 of The Walking Dead? Let’s rank every installment of the season from worst to greatest and see where they stand.
The Walking Dead quickly became a global phenomenon when it was introduced to fans on Halloween night in 2010. The story of Rick Grimes waking up from a coma in a completely different world filled with undead monsters drew the attention of millions of viewers.
AMC’s zombie drama had an inconsistent start, with a six-episode season focused on getting Rick reunited with his family and doing anything it took to protect them from the dangers of the apocalypse that took some big turns.
Not all episodes are created equal. There were some installments of the first season that were clearly superior while others set the stage for big twists and turns in the series. For that reason, it’s important to look at all the episodes and see which are the best and which don’t quite match up.
Let’s break down all six of the episodes from season 1 of The Walking Dead and put them in order of their greatness, starting at the worst episode of the bunch (which is still pretty darned good) and working our way up to the absolute best!