Tales of the Walking Dead Survival Rule: The Unlikeliest Things

Jillian Bell as Gina - Tales of the Walking Dead _ Season 1 - Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC
Jillian Bell as Gina - Tales of the Walking Dead _ Season 1 - Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC /
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Jillian Bell Parker Posey as Blair Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC
Jillian Bell Parker Posey as Blair Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC /

Tales of the Walking Dead Survival Rule

If there’s a lesson to learn from the second episode of Tales of The Walking Dead, it’s that sometimes the unlikeliest things can succeed in a zombie apocalypse.

The second episode of Tales of The Walking Dead was a strange one, to say the least. First of all, it was, for all intents and purposes, Groundhog Day set in the Walking Dead universe, with protagonists Gina and her boss, Blair (Jillian Bell and Parker Posey, respectively), constantly reliving the same incident on the same day of the zombie outbreak over and over again; Each time failing to survive for one reason or another, and feeling the deaths those failures caused each time.

Secondly, it showed how two people (Gina and Blair) at the beginning of the apocalypse who hated each other could put aside their differences to achieve a shared goal, something you would have thought impossible at the start of the episode.

And that is going to be the focus of this week’s Tales of The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: How the zombie apocalypse can bring about the unlikeliest of things and how some of those unlikely things can work to our benefit. Of course, I’ll also take time to address how, because of the (perceived) low probability of these things happening, we might dismiss them and why doing so is a potential mistake that we should avoid if we want to survive.