Tales of the Walking Dead Survival Rule: The Unlikeliest Things

Jillian Bell as Gina - Tales of the Walking Dead _ Season 1 - Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC
Jillian Bell as Gina - Tales of the Walking Dead _ Season 1 - Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC /
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Tales of the Walking Dead Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC
Tales of the Walking Dead Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC /

Tales of the Walking Dead episode 2

The unlikeliest but scariest of possibilities 

Okay, let’s tackle the elephant in the room: A zombie apocalypse is extremely unlikely, thank God. Having said that, though, microorganisms, reproducing much faster than larger organisms, can easily mutate and develop new species which could easily have effects on us we’re not prepared for. Will they result in corpses walking around and eating people, maybe not, but remember the guy on “bath salts” who tried to chew off some poor guy’s face, shook off shots to the chest, and was only put down when a cop shot him in the head? If something can make something like that infectious, it’s close enough that the details don’t matter.

This is kind of key to why I do this, because, while, yes, the possibility of a zombie apocalypse is small, it’s a good idea to be prepared for one, just in case it ever were to happen. If you’ve properly prepared for the zombie apocalypse, then there’s a good chance that, even if one doesn’t happen, you’re still prepared for a whole bunch of other disasters that not only may happen but may happen together, resulting in circumstances frighteningly close to a zombie apocalypse, like a societal collapse and a crippling drought, which would cause massive food and supply shortages, and bring with it civil unrest and indiscriminate violence. Again, it may not be caused by corpses getting up and eating people, but it’ll still force you to get by on limited supplies and have to defend yourself and your family from strangers, and, if you’re prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you’ll be ready for this.

Just because something is unlikely doesn’t mean it’s impossible, and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for it.