Tales of the Walking Dead showrunner reveals more Alpha details

Samantha Morton Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC
Samantha Morton Photo Credit: Curtis Bonds Baker/AMC

The third episode of Tales of the Walking Dead was an outstanding chapter in the life of The Walking Dead character Alpha. Portrayed by Samantha Morton, Alpha was the villainous leader of the Whisperers, a group who wore the faces of walkers to blend in and stay protected from the undead. In the spinoff series, new details are revealed in the episode titled “Dee,” the name Alpha went by before her transformation or rather acceptance of who she really was.

This article contains spoilers from Tales of the Walking Dead episode 3, “Dee.”

One fascinating fact we learn in this episode is that Alpha wasn’t the original leader of the Whisperers; Hera was there before her. This is a shocking revelation but creates a much more exciting story.

This episode also throws a wrench into the timeline that viewers saw on The Walking Dead series. The reason for this is that the main series’ flashbacks were from Lydia’s point of view, and children don’t always remember how things really happened. In Lydia’s case, her mother also shielded and lied to her to make things easier for the child.

One scene, in particular, has fans very perplexed. When Alpha and Lydia first meet up with Beta, aka Half Moon, this is after the story told in “Dee.” We know this because Alpha’s head is shaved, Lydia is a bit older, and showrunner Channing Powell has confirmed this.

Dee and Lydia joined the Whisperers after meeting them, but what took them away, leading them to meet the man who would know as Beta?

Tales of the Walking Dead – Dee

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Powell reveals that Dee and Lydia were taken into the Whisperer’s group as Dee was “very, very intrigued” by Hera. She explains that Dee’s interest wasn’t only in Hera as a leader but as a possible romantic interest.

So, this begs the question, did Alpha kill Hera and take her face for her mask?

Did something happen to drive Alpha away from the group? But, when she meets Beta, she knows the two of them can take over the Whisperers and run things the way she wants?

Or was Hera killed and Alpha so in love that she took her face to remain close to her? 

She did this with Beta when he didn’t want to leave his friend behind. She told him he wouldn’t have to leave him and handed him the knife. Does she do the same to keep Hera close to her always?

At the end of “Dee,” Alpha talks to the mask made from Hera’s face, “I was keeping myself from my nature. But that, that was the end of Dee and the beginning of me. And then I met you. And you showed me love.”

What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or tag me on Twitter @iowamamaof3

AMC needs to renew Tales of the Walking Dead ASAP so Powell and continue this story so we can connect “Dee” to the events we see in The Walking Dead. 

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