The Walking Dead, Lockdown: Things To Note

Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 17 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
Lauren Cohan as Maggie Rhee - The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 17 - Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC
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Walking Dead
– The Walking Dead _ Season 11, Episode 17 – Photo Credit: Jace Downs/AMC

The final eight episodes of The Walking Dead have begun! The first episode is done, and all the details are here in this week’s Things To Note!

The end of The Walking Dead is coming. The next seven weeks will mark the very last episodes of the main series. Until we reach that end, though, I will continue to provide as many of the details of each episode as I can through this series.

This week, we picked up where the midseason finale left off, with Daryl and Maggie trying to fight off Lance Hornsby and his invasion force of troopers while trying to get word to their friends effectively trapped in the Commonwealth. Meanwhile, those friends are watching as the revelation of Sebastian Milton’s schemes (And their death toll) are causing fracturing inside the Commonwealth, with people demanding justice and punishment for Sebastian and believing that his mother is harboring him.

Along with all of this, though, there were also a lot of little things that may have gone unnoticed or forgotten in your first viewing. For those who may have found this without having seen any of my previous ones, Things To Note is my attempt to collect all the hints, clues, references, trivia, and little details in each episode of The Walking Dead and put them together in one place so that people don’t have to go hunting for them themselves when each episode re-airs. I find that, often, these bits of information can prove important to the story as it progresses or call back to something that may have long been ignored or forgotten, and overall makes the experience that much more enjoyable.

Are you ready? It’s time for a brand new installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!