The Walking Dead season 11
1) This episode’s “Previously On The Walking Dead” — Focusing on Lance Hornsby’s takeover of the Virginia communities, Sebastian Milton asking Max if his mother is pissed at him, Connie telling Kelly, Magna, Eugene, and Max that they need to crack the code of the list of names she’s been given and that she will write about Sebastian’s failed heists until she does, Maggie saying that she has to put an end to her conflict w/Hornsby, and Hornsby himself flipping his coin to (Presumably) decide the fate of Oceanside’s populace (Which he and his troopers are holding at gunpoint) — is voiced by Norman Reedus.
2) This episode begins with Judith talking about stories of the past, as we see flashes of Rick finding the “Don’t open. Dead inside.” cafeteria after waking up in the hospital in the very first episode, “Days Gone Bye”, the “Glasses Guy” from the season four finale, “A”, getting his eye ripped out by a gang of walkers, another person being bitten in the calf while pinned down by walkers, Rick waking up in his hospital bed, the group’s death march through Virginia in season five’s “Them”, Shane, after having killed the walkers in Hershel’s barn in the season two midseason finale, “Pretty Much Dead Already”, The Governor burning down Woodbury in season four’s “Live Bait”, Negan, after killing Abraham in the season seven premiere, “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be”, Beta infiltrating Alexandria in season ten’s “Stalker”, Alpha unmasking (From, I believe, season nine’s “Guardians”), and Leah firing the hwacha in this season’s ninth episode, “No Other Way”.