The Walking Dead series first aired on AMC on Halloween night, 2010. The series would surpass anyone’s expectations by continuing for eleven seasons and spawned a slew of spinoff series. What seasons of The Walking Dead are available on Netflix?
The Walking Dead aired its final episode of the series in November 2022. The mega last season consisted of 24 episodes released in three segments. Part 1 began in August 2021, part 2 in February 2022, and the final installment of eight episodes started on October 2, 2022.
The final season’s storyline did a fantastic job of tying up some loose ends and honoring previous characters with mentions of their names. The ending of the series was met with favorable reviews, which was surprising as many, myself included, weren’t sure if AMC could pull off an ending worthy of the much-loved series.
The series was commemorated with an evening full of celebration and was highly emotional for fans, cast, crew, and everyone involved. AMC and Talking Dead hosted a huge finale event in Los Angeles to celebrate this historic occasion.
Is The Walking Dead on Netflix?
Netflix exclusively has all eleven seasons of The Walking Dead available in its catalog.
If you feel nostalgic and need to schedule a rewatch, Netflix has all the episodes available. Or perhaps you need to introduce the series to someone who has never watched it before.
The Walking Dead universe is far from over, with Fear the Walking Dead premiering its eighth and final season in May 2023 and The Walking Dead: Dead City debuting in June 2023. These will be followed by The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon and Summit, featuring Rick and Michonne.
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