On Sunday, AMC aired episode 19, “Variant,” of The Walking Dead’s final season. This episode was exciting as we saw Aaron (Ross Marquand), Jerry (Cooper Andrews), Lydia (Cassady McClincy) and Elijah (Okea Eme-Akwari) battle a new threat and more.
This article contains spoilers for The Walking Dead season 11, episode 19, “Variant.”

Each week Undead Walking selects an MVP of the currently released episode of The Walking Dead. This person could have done some heroic feat or just proved themselves worthy of recognition for something amazing they accomplished.
This week several characters were in the running, Aaron for saving Jerry, Daryl (Norman Reedus) for pulling Eugene (Josh McDermitt) out of the mass of rioters, Rosita (Christian Serratos) for trying to save Max (Margot Bingham), and so on.
But, one character went over and above and performed an act uncharacteristic of what we know about this person.
The Walking Dead – Eugene

This week saw Governor Milton (Laila Robins) and the citizens of the Commonwealth call for Eugene to take the fall for the death of Sebastian Milton (Teo-Rapp Olsson). In the previous episode, more was revealed about Sebastian and his holier-than-tho attitude towards the people of the Commonwealth. He then proceeded to attack Max, who was the one to out him with a secret recording.
During the scuffle, a walker came upon Max, and Eugene assisted her by tossing the walker away, resulting in the walker attacking and killing Sebastian. The ironic thing about his death is that the citizens stood by and watched while he screamed for help. No one was willing to help the sniveling spoiled brat but was quick to blame Eugene and demand justice for this man who no one liked.
Eugene had the opportunity to escape and leave Max to take the fall for everything. But, he believes he has found his true love and couldn’t allow this to happen. He surrendered himself to the Commonwealth soldiers and took responsibility for everything, including making the recording, which viewers know Max was responsible for. Since his introduction, Eugene, while having a long list of flaws and mistakes, has proven himself on occasion. This time he finally found the courage to save the one he loves.
It will be interesting to see what is next for Eugene, as we have seen clips of him in a courtroom.
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