The Walking Dead season 11 episode 19
3) In the title sequence of this week’s episode, the “I” and the “N” in “WALKING” join the “A” and “G” in bleeding. The “G”, noticeably, has the majority of its left side covered in blood. The “E” in “DEAD” now also has some blood on its lower left corner.
4) While we later learn that the walker which spies Aaron, Jerry, Lydia, and Elijah is smarter than the others, why do it, and it alone, notice the team? It wasn’t looking in their direction originally, and if it heard them, you’d think that the rest of the herd would have, too, right?
5) When Sebastian begins turning on the coroner’s table, Pamela tells the attending trooper to “Deal with that.” That’s an odd way to refer to one’s son, don’t you think? This dismissiveness becomes even more confusing when we later see that she intended to keep Sebastian around as a walker.
6) Continuing a spate of references to long-lost members of the group while talking to Lydia about her reluctance to start a relationship with Elijah after Henry’s tragic death, Aaron recounts his time with Eric Raleigh, his husband, who died in a battle with the Saviors in season eight’s “Monsters”, and subsequently turned.
7) Calhoun, the bald guy who Eugene thought was the source of “Stephanie’s” disappearance in this season’s eleventh episode, “Rogue Element”, is the thirty-seventh named character to die this season and the twelfth named Commonwealth citizen to die.
8) Before leaving his prison cell, Pamela instructs Lance to feed Sebastian’s walker using Calhoun. Curiously, she specifically mentions that Calhoun’s body is “still warm”. Is that what causes walkers to stop feeding on some bodies? That they cool down?