The Walking Dead aired this unforgettable episode six years ago

Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Sonequa Martin-Green as Sasha Williams, Ross Marquand as Aaron, Chandler Riggs as Carl Grimes, Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter - The Walking Dead Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, Sonequa Martin-Green as Sasha Williams, Ross Marquand as Aaron, Chandler Riggs as Carl Grimes, Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter - The Walking Dead Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

On October 23, 2016, AMC aired one of the most unforgettable episodes in Walking Dead history. The season seven premiere episode, “The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be,” gets its title from a comment Dr. Jenner (Noah Emmerich) said to Rick (Andrew Lincoln) in season one. Rick told Jenner he was grateful for getting a second chance; the title is Jenner’s reply. During this episode, Rick may have been rethinking that comment.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan Steven Yeun Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

The season 6 finale, “Last Day on Earth,” left the fandom reeling as the newly introduced leader of the Saviors, Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), had chosen his victim, but this wouldn’t be revealed until the season 7 premiere.

“The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be” begins immediately following the previous episode. But viewers won’t find out who was chosen yet. Negan takes Rick away from the group, and viewers are treated to Rick’s memories of several of our survivors. Then Rick’s memories turn to the horrific scene of Negan’s lineup, revealing that Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) is the chosen one.

Always the brave one, Abraham flashed a peace sign to Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) and took the first blow to the head. He rises, looks at Negan, and says, “Suck my nuts.” Negan repeatedly beats him as the others look on in horror.

The Walking Dead – Negan’s lineup

Negan begins taunting the group with his “dirty girl,” Lucille, his barbed wire-covered bat, covered in Abraham’s brains. This leads to Daryl (Norman Reedus) attacking Negan, which prompts Negan to select a second victim, Glenn (Steven Yeun). Before killing Glenn, Negan tells them it is retaliation for Daryl’s transgression.

Negan’s lineup is a scene from the comics that was altered by adding Abraham as another victim. In the comic, only Glenn is selected, and fans breathed a sigh of relief when Abraham was chosen, believing Glenn was safe.

This episode is one that many fans have said they will never watch again. Once was enough.

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