Pamela Milton has made the first move against our heroes, but her scheme may have backfired. Find out in this week’s The Walking Dead: Things To Note!
We’ve seen our heroes in The Walking Dead go through wars before — With The Governor, the Saviors, the Whisperers, the Reapers — but, never a war conducted quite like this. All of those other instances involved things which were something resembling a conventional war (Even if it violated the Geneva Convention), but, this time, with the enemy being a politician, it’s a war being fought more through that prism. Rather than send soldiers to kill the group, she simply had nearly all of them snatched and sent away, so she could re-solidify her position that had come so close to being destroyed. With this being her method of attack, Daryl, Carol, and Yumiko had to fight back in a similarly unconventional way, with Daryl and Carol rescuing Lance Hornsby to get intelligence on Pamela’s plan from him, while Yumiko had to stay behind and try to undermine things while being forced to prosecute Eugene for Sebastian’s death.
Of course, all of this was perfectly obvious: All you had to do watch the episode. But, what about the things that weren’t so obvious? All the things that you might have overlooked or forgotten? Well, as always, I went back and scrounged last week’s episode for all of the hints, clues, references, trivia, and little details a first viewing might have missed, and put them all together here for you to enjoy, and to save you the hassle of looking for them!
Are you ready? Because it’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!