Tonight is The Walking Dead series finale. For one last time, we’ll gather all the details of the previous episode with an installment of Things To Note.
Tonight is the final episode of The Walking Dead main series. I started doing this back in season four or five, I can’t even remember, live tweeting during re-airings of episodes of The Walking Dead, trying to match them minute-by-minute (It became a bit of a pain trying to keep track of the time after I got rid of cable, not knowing how long the commercials ran for) with the little details or statistics I noticed, which I thought had been overlooked in Talking Dead, mostly because of how much I loved the series and hoped that other fans would be as fascinated by these little bits of trivia as I was.
It was because of that love for the series and hope to provide as much detail as I could, that I decided to do this series of articles once I joined Undead Walking so that I could maybe make the episodes more enjoyable for other fans by pointing out to them all of the trivia, references, hints, clues, and maybe even the odd error, that they might not have noticed the first time they watched them.
I will continue to do this with other Walking Dead series, but for the original series, this will be the last time I do a Things To Note (Unless they re-air the finale before the pilot of Dead City, of course).
Thankfully, last week’s episode gave me enough of the details and stats that I like so that this final installment can still provide the goods.
Are you ready? Because it is time for one last Things To Note for the original The Walking Dead.