On March 1, 2015, AMC aired The Walking Dead episode “Remember,” from season 5, written by Channing Powell, showrunner for Tales of the Walking Dead, and directed by Greg Nicotero. This was also the episode in which thrash metal guitarist Scott Ian made a cameo as a walker. Below we look back at some great behind-the-scenes photos of this episode.
“Remember” is the twelfth episode of season 5 and finds Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the group arriving at the Alexandria Safe Zone. They are accompanied by Alexandria recruiters Aaron (Ross Marquand) and his husband Eric (Jordan Woods-Robinson), who was injured. Upon entry into the community, they are asked to deposit their weapons, a request Rick isn’t keen on complying with.
This episode featured interviews with several survivors and the leader of Alexandria, Deanna Monroe (Tovah Feldshuh). This is also the episode where Carol (Melissa McBride) puts on her happy homemaker persona and begins baking!
Deanna gives Rick’s group two large houses, but as they are used to living in close quarters and are still uncertain of their surroundings, they choose to sleep in the same house, a move Deanna deems smart.
The Walking Dead behind-the-scenes episode 512 Remember
Check out these adorable photos of baby Judith (played by Charlotte & Clara Ward in season 5). But look closer; I don’t think Rick is winning Father of the Year, as she is playing with his gun!
You’ve got to love a great Gleggie pic!
Below Greg Nicotero takes a shot of Scott Ian in his walker makeup.
And some other random behind-the-scenes shots from this episode. It is good to look back and remember.
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