Actor Khary Payton said goodbye to King Ezekiel, the character he played since season 7 of The Walking Dead, in November 2022 when the series aired its final episode. Fans hope to see him in a spinoff, but only time will tell if that comes to be. Since that time, he has been very busy lending his voice talents to many projects, including Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical.
The first project developed by Summerfall Studios, which is published by Humble Games, Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical, is a role-playing video game that is scheduled to release on Windows PC via Steam on August 3, 2023.
In a modern fantasy world, players take on the role of a college dropout, Grace, accused of murdering the last muse. She will have seven days to prove her innocence to a pantheon of Greek gods, Athena, Apollo, Persephone, and Aphrodite. Grace will have to use her newly acquired power of music to find out the truth about Calliope’s death. “A compelling story of hope, self-discovery, and forging your path.”
Payton will voice Pan, traditionally a fertility deity, more or less bestial in form. Other voice talents working on the project include Troy Baker, Laura Bailey, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Ashley Johnson, Felicia Day, Rohul Kohli, Anjali Bhimani, and Janina Gavankar.
Khary Payton – other voice acting roles
Payton has lent his voice talents to numerous recent projects, including:
The Legend of Vox Machina as the voice of Sovereign Uriel Tal’Dorei
American Dad! as Big Ed and several other voices,
Teen Titans Go! as Cyborg and more
The Super Mario Bros. Movie as Penguin King
Invincible as Black Sampson
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