Fear the Walking Dead is the first spinoff of The Walking Dead series that began airing in 2015. This series’ eighth season was announced as the last and part 1 of the season has aired on AMC and AMC+. The second part of the final season will premiere in October, but fans are eager to find out where to watch the previous seven seasons since the series was removed from Hulu.
AMC has announced that Fear the Walking Dead seasons 1-7 will begin streaming exclusively on AMC+ on Friday, July 21. This will be available two days before The Walking Dead: Dead City airs its season finale on AMC on July 23 at 9 p.m. ET.
Fear the Walking Dead season 8 part 2 focused primarily on Morgan Jones (Lennie James) and PADRE. The first six episodes saw Morgan return to King County, Georgia. He would return to bury his son and wife, who died in The Walking Dead series. The midseason finale was the final episode of Fear TWD to feature Morgan, who, with his daughter Mo (Zoey Merchant), went in search of his old friend Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln).
The part of the final season also dealt with PADRE and the children they had been kidnapping for years. Newly returned character Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) was responsible for many of the abductions and, by the end of part 1, was ready to assist the children in locating their parents.
The remaining six episodes will see the return of many characters not seen in part 1 and conclude the stories of this series.
Fear the Walking Dead will begin airing new episodes on AMC and AMC+ on Oct. 22, 2023, at 9 p.m. ET.
UPDATE: Max will air Fear the Walking Dead seasons 1-7 from September 1- October 31, 2023.
Fear the Walking Dead seasons
Fear the Walking Dead Season 1
The companion series to The Walking Dead is set in LA at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.
Fear the Walking Dead Season 2
Fear the Walking Dead returns at sea, aboard the Abigail, but is water safer than land?
Fear the Walking Dead Season 3
Families will be brought together in the vibrant and violent region formerly the U.S.-Mexico border. International lines done away with following the world’s end, our characters must attempt to rebuild not only society, but family as well.
Fear the Walking Dead Season 4
We see the world of Madison Clark (Kim Dickens) and her family through new eyes – the eyes of Morgan Jones (Lennie James), who is joining the story from the world of The Walking Dead. The characters’ immediate pasts mix with an uncertain present of struggle and discovery as they meet new friends, foes and threats.
Fear the Walking Dead Season 5
The group’s mission is clear: locate survivors and help make what’s left of the world a slightly better place. With dogged determination, Morgan Jones leads the group with a philosophy rooted in benevolence, community and hope.
Fear the Walking Dead Season 6
This season explores what has become of the unlikely family once united by a mission to help those in need. After being torn apart by Virginia (Colby Minifie) and her Pioneers, the group is now dispersed across her far-reaching settlements. Morgan’s last message at the end of season five implored the group to “Just Live” and this season we’ll see what that means to each of them.
Fear the Walking Dead Season 7
Teddy (John Glover) brought about his vision of “The End” when he detonated nuclear warheads across the Texas landscape, but it will be up to those who survived to decide what “The Beginning” will look like. And they’ll have to do it in a world devoid of light and hope, where the outside air is just as deadly as the walkers they face.
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