On November 20, 2022, AMC aired the finale episode of The Walking Dead. This week, in honor of that momentous day in TWDU history, we are looking back at some of the highlights. One such highlight was Superbowl-quality commercials featuring some familiar but now undead faces.
The Walking Dead series has aired its final episode. It is hard to wrap my head around the sentence. The finale episode, “Rest in Peace,” marked the 177th episode of the series. It was much better than anticipated and left much room for hope that will be seen in the upcoming spinoff series. And what about those commercials?
One thing that was a great addition to the finale was the walker-themed commercials. It was like watching the Super Bowl as you didn’t mind the commercials that were not only TWD-themed but showed faces fans were familiar with.
One commercial was for Doordash and featured Rodney, played by Joe Ando-Hirsh, one of the undead who was only a head, and when the scene panned out, you realized he was a victim of the pikes. This was a nod to Alpha (Samantha Morton) pike victims in season 9, where Rodney met his demise. He jokes with the delivery guy, saying, “Come closer, I won’t bite…Just kidding. I totally will.”
The Walking Dead commercial
Another commercial saw Milton Mamont (Dallas Roberts) as one of the undead who is now a researcher for Autodesk. He explains the new invention of a grunt-responsive door will change the lives of the undead, stating, “Now nothing can stop us. Except stairs. Those are tough.”
Another familiar face, Gareth (Andrew J. West), was trying to live quietly as a walker, but his biggest threat? Humans. His commercial was for Ring and how to use it to avoid those pesky neighbors. While viewing his Ring footage on his cell phone, he says, instead of opening the door, “I would rather die. Again.”
Laurie Holden, as Andrea, appears in two commercials, also as a member of the undead. First, she is the CBO, Chief Brain Officer, of Deloitte recruiting. She encourages people to bring their brains to Deloitte, where people have a chance to put their brains to good use.
The second commercial begins with Ryan Reynolds promoting MNTN, a self-serve platform for marketers. Andrew explains how the platform works and then tells the audience she knows so much about MNTN because she ate Reynold’s brain but is still hungry.
Below is the view reel showing all of the fantastic commercials featured to commemorate the finale episode of The Walking Dead.
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