“Nebraska” Season 2, Episode 8 – Andrea is there for Maggie
This time it’s Andrea who will be our focus for our women supporting women moments.
In “Nebraska”, we see Carol and Beth (Emily Kinney) suffering severe losses with the loss of a daughter and mother, respectively. Shane went crazy and caused everyone to kill all the walkers in the barn, where Sophia (Madison Lintz), Carol’s daughter, and Annette (Amber Chaney), Beth’s mother, were both held since they had both turned into walkers.
Both of these ladies deal with their losses very differently. Carol says that the walker that was killed was not her daughter, and she didn’t want to mourn or grieve for something that wasn’t her daughter.
Beth, on the other hand, suffered greatly with the loss of her mother, for the second time. She ultimately collapsed into an unresponsive state. Annette was being kept in the barn because Hershel and his family thought the walkers were just infected and that a cure would be found. To lose her mother for the second time and to know it was final was just too much for her to handle. Afterward, Hershel is nowhere to be found, so this puts the burden on Maggie to care for her sister.
While watching over her sister, Maggie feels helpless to know what to do for Beth. Andrea can understand this sisterly love because she had it with Amy. Maggie shares a moment in the past when she and Beth argued, but in the end, Beth stood up for Maggie. Andrea takes time to listen to Maggie, who is worried about her sister. Sometimes all it takes is a listening ear to do a kindness to another woman.