On November 30, 2014, AMC aired the midseason finale of season 6 of The Walking Dead, “Coda,” written by Angela Kang and directed by Ernest Dickerson. The episode ranks high on fans ‘best of’ list because it was a highly emotional episode that contained some amazing scenes despite the heartache of Beth’s (Emily Kinney) death.
Despite your feelings for Beth, her death came at a time when the creators of the series were still brave enough to include the shocking deaths of beloved characters. During this episode, Beth was held captive at Grady Memorial Hospital by Officer Dawn Lerner (Christine Woods). She and Noah (Tyler James Williams) attempted an escape in a previous episode, but Beth was unable to get away.
Noah encountered Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Carol (Melissa McBride), but Carol was captured and taken to Grady. This would rally Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and the group to a rescue mission for both Beth and Carol.
The Walking Dead – Emily Kinney’s as Beth
Rick arranges an exchange, Dawn’s people for his, but events don’t go as planned, and Dawn accidentally shoots Beth. This puts Rick and Daryl into immediate action, and Daryl doesn’t hesitate to shoot Dawn in the head.
That scene gave the fandom one of the most badass photos of Rick and Daryl.
Beth was never my favorite character; she actually annoyed me most of the time, but she was trying to save her friend Noah from Dawn’s manipulation and power-hungry ways. Her death was a shock, and the reactions of Daryl and Maggie (Lauren Cohan) were enough to make the most hardened fan tear up.
Below are some great behind-the-scenes images of Kinney’s last day as a regular cast member on The Walking Dead.
Emily Kinney releases a new album
In the fall of 2023, Kinney released her latest album, Swimteam, the follow-up to her 2021 The Supporting Character. The album consists of seven tracks, and you should check it out!!
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