Bob Stookey was a survivor in The Walking Dead, introduced in season 3, “30 Days Without an Accident.” Played by actor Lawrence Gilliard Jr. Bob was found by Daryl (Norman Reedus) and Glenn(Steven Yeun). His experiences since the outbreak had left him miserable and in dire need of a haven. How did Bob die in The Walking Dead?
Bob turned to alcohol to deal with the guilt of his past two groups being overrun. He blamed himself, believing he was cursed. The official description for Bob’s character reads, “a former army medic who is deeply haunted by his past, pre- and post-zombie apocalypse. As a result, he’s a bit of a loner, although he maintains a charming/self-deprecating/confident public face.”
His dependence on alcohol would be responsible for Zach’s (Kyle Gallner) death at the Big Spot, where they were scavenging for supplies. A shelf would fall on Bob as he was trying to get some wine. Daryl and Zach would rescue him, but Zach was bit and killed in the process.
He would become enamored of Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green), and they would become romantically involved. Bob always put on a good outward appearance and tried to keep other’s spirits up.
The Walking Dead – Bob Stookey’s death
Bob was bitten while at the Food Bank, where Father Gabriel (Seth Gilliam) led them to scavenge for food. He keeps this information to himself until the third episode of season 5, “Four Walls and a Roof,” where Bob has been captured by the Terminites. The episode begins with Gareth (Andrew J. West) and his group have amputated Bob’s leg and are eating it. Bob begins to laugh hysterically, shouting, “Tainted Meat,” before Gareth knocks him out.
He would be returned to the church where Rick’s group has taken shelter, and this is when he tells everyone about his leg and his walker bite. After Gareth and his crew are slaughtered, the group each says their goodbyes to Bob.
This was hardest on Sasha, and she sat by his side until he died. As she was getting ready to stab his brain to prevent reanimation, her brother Tyreese (Chad L. Coleman) stepped in and did it for her.
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