AMC premiered "Knot Untie," the eleventh episode of season 6 of The Walking Dead. This episode was a pivital one as Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his group get their first look at Hilltop and Barrington House. This was only one episode after Rick and Michonne (Danai Gurira) shared their first kiss but several episodes before Glenn (Steven Yeun) and Abraham (Michael Cudlitz) were killed.
The episode was written by Matt Negrete & Channing Powell and directed by Michael Satrazemis. It is the episode where Rick rethinks his previous idea that Alexandria is the safest place to be.
They travel to the Hilltop with Jesus (Tom Payne), where they meet some of the residents there, including their leader, Gregory (Xander Berkeley), and discover more about Negan and his Saviors.
A man named Ethan, on orders from Negan, stabs Gregory, and Rick beats him senseless, and it ends with Rick stabbing him in the neck. With blood everywhere, he looks around and says, "What?" as if nothing happened.
Thanks Bri for the reminder.
Jesus calms everyone down after the skirmish, reminding everyone that Ethan started the altercation when he stabbed Gregory. After this, Jesus explains exactly who Negan is and that he agreed not to attack Hilltop in return for half of their supplies.
This episode also saw Abraham questioning his devotion to Rosita and his new feelings for Sasha.
Highlights of "Knot's Untie"
- Abraham asks Glenn, "When you were pouring the Bisquick, were you trying to make pancakes?"
- Rick acknowledges Negan.
- First look at Hilltop & Barrington House.
- First appearance of Gregory.
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