Walking Dead actor Jayson Warner Smith recently released two short must-watch films. Know within The Walking Dead universe for his portrayal of Gavin, a member of Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) Saviors, Smith shows some amazing work in both of these shorts. The first, Chipper, is a heartbreaking story fresh off the festival tour, and the second film, Red West, will give you chills.
Chipper is directed by Shaun MacLean, his directorial debut, of which Smith stars and serves as an executive producer. The story is written by friends of Smith's, Lane Skye and her husband, Ruckus Skye, who are the brilliant minds behind the movie Becky, which stars Kevin James in a very unexpected but highly entertaining role.
Smith was searching for a story that dealt with adult children coming to terms with aging parents and all that season of life entails. Enter in the Skyes, who presented him with a story titled Ashes to Ashes, which became Chipper.
The story follows a man, Chipper, whose ailing father sends him a mysterious letter. The letter contains a dark family secret that would alter the dynamics of Chipper's relationship with his estranged sister, Carol. Chipper is forced to make a decision no child should ever have to face regarding the welfare of a parent. How will he handle this monumental task life has handed him?
Smith portrays the lead character, Reese (Chipper) Walker, with Brittany Deneen, who plays Adesewa, the caretaker of Chipper's dad, played by Rick Andosca (Haunted Mansion, Shazam! Fury of the Gods). Brad Carter (Ozark, Yellowstone) and Katherine Barnes (Average Joe) play the brother and sister, Carol, respectively.
Additional creatives:
- Shaun MacLean – director/producer
- Lane Skye & Ruckus Skye – writers
- Jayson Warner Smith & Ryan Wiedmayer – ex. producers
- Robert Mello – co-ex. producer
- Jesse Scimeca – director of photography/editor
- Weird Brothers Productions (Ryan Wiedmayer & Robert Mello)
- Braden Deal – composer
- Daniel Parvis – original song
Chipper is now available to view via Omeleto, the home of the world's best short films.
The next project, Red West, is a drastic change from Chipper, which takes place in a much earlier time in American history. Smith plays Tobin, an ex-priest who has a chilling conversation with a younger man played by Brice Anthony Heller (You're Killing Me).
Red West is an adaptation of the historical novel "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy, in which the above-mentioned Ruckus Skye and Lane Skye direct.
Smith has had many roles during his career, including Where the Crawdads Sing, Rectify, American Made, Emancipation, The Outer Banks, You're Killing Me, and more.
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