AMC Networks premiered the second season of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon on September 29. Norman Reedus returns as the titular charcter, who in season 1, traveled to France. The second season, subtitled The Book of Carol also brings Carol Peletier, played by Melissa McBride, back to the storyline. During her search for Daryl she encounter a newcomer, Ash, played by actor Manish Dayal.
Tread lightly as this article contains spoilers for episode 201 of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol.
Dayal was announced for the cast of season 2 of Daryl Dixon in November 2023. Deadline first reported the news along with a description of his charcter, Ash, who lived in Boston before the outbreak but then took residence at this family's vacation home in Maine. Another interesting fact about Ash was the he owns a single-engine plane which he flies daily.
Ash was introduced in the first episode of season 2 of The Book of Carol. He proves instrumental in Carol's plan to locate Daryl after learning of his voyage to France.
What else does Manish Dayal star in?
Dayal began his career appearing in commercials for several national brands, including McDonald's, Windows, Nintendo, and Domino's Pizza. He then played the lead role in The New Group's off-Broadway production of Rafta, Rafta, in 2008.
He had a guest-starring role during season 10 of the CBS series CSI - Miami, and then as Hal, a code-breaking computer analyst in AMC's Rubicon. He has also appeared in Law & Order: Criminal Intent and The Good Wife.
In 2011, Dayal took on the role of Raj Kher in the CW series 90210. Raj was a college freshman infected with leukemia. He portrayed this character for fourteen episodes during seasons 3 and 4.
He is also known for his role in the dramedy The Hundred Foot Journey (2014) with Helen Mirren, Om Puri, and Charlotte Le Bon and the 2017 drama Viceroy's House with Hugh Bonneville, Gillian Anderson, Huma Qureshi, and Michael Gambon
in 2017, Dayal, along with Bruce Greenwood were the first actors cast in the Fox medical drama The Resident. He was a primary cast member for the duration of the series, which aired for six seasons. He portrayed Dr. Devon Pravesh, whose story began when he was a first-year resident.
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