The Walking Dead: Kenric Green not at liberty to discuss role on #TWD

Sonequa Martin-Green is thrilled to have her husband, Kenric Green join the cast of The Walking Dead. Her gleeful tweet below is in response to an article by Brian Gallagher on where he mentions Kenric’s new role in the hit AMC show.

Mr. Gallagher reminds us that Scott Gimple shared on an unaired segment of The Talking Dead Season 6 Preview Special that Kenric Green will be playing the role of “Scott”. Gimple pointed out that “Scott” is a character in the comic book and then stated that he’d probably said enough.

Apparently that’s all Kenric can say about his role as well. I reached out to Kenric on Twitter on behalf of Undead Walking. I asked if he might have a comment to share with our readers on his new role. He politely replied:

"‘here is an exclusive for you “no comment” :)’"

But, hey, he said it with a smile! It was very generous of him to respond to my inquiry, even though it seems clear he is not at liberty to discuss the role. Thanks, Kenric! Clearly, he is very friendly just like his wife, Sonequa Martin-Green, who we all know as “Sasha Williams” from The Walking Dead.

Meanwhile, for more detail on the comic book character of “Scott”, refer again to Brian Gallagher’s article on where he gives the following description.

"“In the comics, Scott is a supply runner who is smart, agile and knows the land, but he doesn’t have the best run of luck. He is also best friends with Heath, a relationship that is tested in the comics. When we first meet Scott in the comics, he has suffered a broken leg while jumping off of a roof while on a run. Scott is mostly seen laid up recovering from his injuries in the comics, . . .”"

It will definitely be interesting to see if “Scott” and “Sasha” will encounter one another on screen. Either way, we know that they make a delightful pair off screen as seen during their recent visit to Disneyland — a cute couple for sure!

What are your hopes for “Scott” on the television series? Please share in the Comments section.

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