The Walking Dead: Does There Need to Be a Cure or Just Hope?


The Walking Dead is all about the humanity within the zombie apocalypse which may end up making things alright tonight even after a major revelation. 

Usually, The Walking Dead is known for it’s crushing blow to the human characters that get built up and it’s looking like we may be in for one of those blows in tonight’s show.

There are spoilers throughout this post, so be careful reading onward if you don’t want anything to be spoiled for you.

On tonight’s episode, Eugene is expected to reveal that he’s not actually in possession of a cure or direct knowledge of a cure for the outbreak that is ravaging the world. That’s something that may end up getting him killed or at least severely hurt before the night is through, but there is something else that could come from tonight.

For a show that relies so much on humanity, perhaps the biggest twist of the night could come in the form of not Eugene  paying for being a fraud but the rest of the group rallying around the hope that there is still something out there that can help them.

That’s a metaphor that works on a theological level and is the type of depth that the show usually likes to add.

We may be getting hints at this in the form of Abraham wanting to press on with the mission despite the fact that he knows Eugene was lying to him. This is either out of straight denial or based in some sort of hope that there is something out there that can help them.

The likelihood of that isn’t very high, but it’s a subplot to the night to watch out for, as it fits the mantra of the show.

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