Talking Dead is a popular show that airs immediately following The Walking Dead on AMC. It is hosted by “The Nerdist” Chris Hardwick, who recaps the episode that just aired and speculates on what will happen next. He always has a very impressive assortment of guests that shed light on the making and execution of the episode.
Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead is “Crossed”, and it looks like Talking Dead will once again have a great set of guests.
Here are the guests that will join The Nerdist for the episode discussion:
- Best known for playing Sasha on The Walking Dead, Sonequa Martin-Green has played a role in some heart-wrenching scenes so far in season 5. She has lost her love interest Bob and her brother Tyreese is currently a bit of a head case. Sonequa is currently expecting a child soon and will be able to provide a lot of great insight into her character.
- Christian Serratos plays Rosita on AMC’s The Walking Dead. Not too much is known about the character of Rosita so far aside from her devotion to Abraham and provocative dress style. We should learn some more about Rosita’s past in Crossed and perhaps Christian Serratos can go in depth about the character she plays.
- One of my personal favorite comedians, Paul F. Tompkins combines a sense of style with a great sense of humor to charm audiences. Tompkins is best known for his stand up comedy, but has also been in hit movies like There Will Be Blood, Tangled, Anchorman, and Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny. His humor should help keep the show entertaining.
With this crew of guests, Talking Dead looks to be a great show. As always, you can catch the show immediately after The Walking Dead on AMC.
Next: Spoilers from The Walking Dead: Crossed
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