Was Maggie Giving Daryl the evil eye on Walking Dead mid-season promo?

Was Maggie (Lauren Cohan) giving Daryl (Norman Reedus) the death stare during the latest promo of The Walking Dead mid-season premiere?

Take a look at the promo video for the mid-season premiere and judge it for yourself.

Unfortunately we are looking at a Walking Dead promo and not talking about the actual show. The show will be back on Sunday February 8 on AMC.

More from Maggie Rhee

Inquisitr brought up the possibility of Maggie sending that evil eye toward Daryl, but we all know that these Walking Dead promos are cut up and mashed together to keep the viewers on their toes. They like to play with our emotions.

We do know that Maggie’s character is about to get dark. Here is what showrunner Scott Gimple said about her character in the back 8:

"“We’re going to see Maggie in a way we have never seen her,” Lauren said, “and I think fighting a dark side she’s always resisted.” – Wetpaint"

Maggie is the lone survivor from the Greene family. She seemed to shut down any thoughts of her sister’s death when she was taken. She had no emotional response about her sister’s disappearance, but then she was given some hope when Michonne (Danai Gurira) told her that Beth (Emily Kinney) was alive at the hospital. Maggie finally let herself respond to the hope that she would see her sister again.

Maggie was within a few moments of seeing her sister again, but instead she got to the hospital entrance and found Daryl carrying her dead sister. That is about the lowest that someone could get after having that hope built up.

How is it going to affect Maggie now? We heard that she is going to go dark, but what exactly does that mean? Will she carry her frustration out on her group members? Will she hold bitterness to Daryl? Daryl was the last person that was with Beth before she was taken. Could Maggie put some blame on Daryl for not taking care of Beth?

February 8th can’t get here fast enough!

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