Norman Reedus Enjoys Insane Walking Dead Slot Machines (Photo)

The Walking Dead is a heavy show, which is why it’s so cool to see things are being kept light and down to earth away from the set.

With the return of The Walking Dead just weeks away, fans are starting to get amped up about what the final eight episodes of the fifth season will contain. Already we’ve lost Beth, Rick is going insane and the group is beginning to be fractured after everything they’ve been through.

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But away from the set, things are just as chill as they usually are, which is a nice reminder of how the depressing nature of the show hardly carries over into real life for the cast. One of the most active members of the cast in trying to prove that things are light behind the scenes is Norman Reedus.

When he’s not cuddling with squirrels for Squirrel Appreciation Day, he’s apparently reveling the awe of the most intense game of Walking Dead slots ever created.

Norman Reedus is great about keeping fans up to date with the happenings away from the show, and this is another example of that. Things get heavy on the set of The Walking Dad but it’s nice to know that things are kept light when the cameras aren’t rolling on one of the darkest shows on television.

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