Walking Dead spoilers: Remember summary

Here is a snippet on the summary of Remember for the next The Walking Dead episode. 

We have relied on The Spoiling Dead for some sneak peeks on The Walking Dead’s upcoming episodes. They have been pretty spot on with their spoiler summaries in the past. They have released another one for the next episode, “Remember.”

You can see the whole summary on their Facebook page. Here is a little snippet into the summary from the Spoiling Dead:

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"As we saw from the sneak peek, our beloved family enters the gates of the community and is promptly instructed by Nicholas (Michael Traynor) to hand over their weapons if they want to stay. (Remember the last time Rick was told to give up a weapon?) Rick says that he doesn’t know if they want to stay. Rick notices a walker coming toward the gates and Rick, with a soft but deliberately spoken “Sasha,” shows Nicholas just who Team Grimes is. Sasha calmly raises her gun and shoots it in the head.After the opening credits Rick is in Deanna’s house (ASZ leader), apparently for some kind of interview. Deanna asks Rick if she can film their conversation. She asks Rick how long they have been “out there” and tells him how the community came to be. At the end of this talk she tells Rick he needs to make a decision on whether to stay or not."

We will find out who this Deanna character is. Based on the summary, it sounds like the group will stick around the Alexandria Safe Zone for a bit, but there will be some skepticism for everyone. It would be tough to move into a new area and feel comfortable  with the move after all that they have gone through. They had gone through the Governor’s town. Then they were at Terminus and saw what kind of crazy people they were over there. The groups that are out there seem to have been pretty crazy.

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