Walking Dead Discussion: Would any of the Group Split Off?

The group on The Walking Dead have arrived at the Alexandria Safe-Zone, but not everyone is settling in well.  Daryl is struggling, Rick is skeptical and Carol is deceiving everyone about her abilities and who she really is.  This lack of trust and history of fighting for survival makes viewers wonder if life inside the walled community might not be the best for the survivors.

While leaving the safety of the community isn’t something that individuals in the group should take lightly, it is possible that the survivors have lived far too long on the outside and can’t return to life as “normal” in Alexandria.  If that’s that truth, then it would make sense for some, if not all, of them to leave.

Our newest writer here at Undead Walking asked about that situation in our #TWDAS question of the week!  Here was the question:

Luckily for us, the crew over at The Walking Dead After Show on theStream.tv answered this question for us.  Each week after a NEW episode of The Walking Dead, Malynda Hale, Glenna Gasparian, David Fichtenmayer and Timothy Michael take to the internet to discuss the events from that week’s installment.  In addition, they answer one question as an EXCLUSIVE for us here at Undead Walking.

Here is what the folks at The Walking Dead After Show on theStream.tv had to say about the group possibly splitting up:

Make sure to follow theStream.tv and The Walking Dead After Show hosts on Twitter:

Official Twitter – @theStreamtv
Malynda Hale – @MalyndaHale
Glenna Gasparian – @GlennaBree
David Fichtenmayer – @fichtenmayer
Timothy Michael – @iamtimothymike

And be sure to leave your comment about who you think might leave the community and why in the comments below.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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