Walking Dead Discussion: Are Alexandria’s Residents ‘Redshirts’?

On The Walking Dead, we’ve been introduced to many new characters in the last couple weeks.  Most of those are residents of the new community that Rick Grimes and the rest of the survivors from his group are getting to know.  Some of them are interesting like Jessie, Eric, Aaron and Deanna.  Some of them are confusing, like Enid and Pete.  And some of them are just downright unlikable, such as Deanna’s son Aiden.

But since the Alexandrians are living in a walled community and have never experienced what life outside among the walkers is like, are they doomed to meet their fate like the “Redshirts” on Star Trek are?

That was a question that we got from Twitter user Erin Qualey earlier this week.  We found that question to be so interesting that we decided to pass it along to our friends over at The Walking Dead After show.  Here is the tweet:

Luckily for us, the gang at theStream.tv‘s The Walking Dead After Show answered this question in an EXCLUSIVE clip for us here at Undead Walking.

While I think that many of the residents are Alexandria are totally expendable, there is a chance that a couple of them will survive.  I’d like to see some characters like Aaron, Jessie, or perhaps Enid survive for a while and hang out with the group for a bit.  I do have a feeling that the Alexandria Safe-Zone will be standing a lot longer than some folks expect it to, but when civilization does eventually come crashing down, there will be very few Alexandrians still standing despite their well-stock armory.

Each week after a NEW episode of The Walking Dead, Malynda Hale, Glenna Gasparian, David Fichtenmayer and Timothy Michael take to the internet to discuss the events from that week’s installment.  Make sure to follow theStream.tv and The Walking Dead After Show hosts on Twitter:

Official Twitter – @theStreamtv

Do you want to see your question used in an Undead Walking article?  Be sure to tweet us your questions!  Send them to @UndeadWalkingFS and include the hashtag #TWDAS to be considered for inclusion.  I look forward to seeing your questions.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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