Even Glenn Beck Is Excited About The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale

With The Walking Dead nearing the season 5 finale, many media outlets are so excited about the upcoming 90-minute curtain closing that even the most unlikely shows are talking about it.  That was the case with Glenn Beck on his weekly radio show according to an article on The Blaze.

During the clip featured on The Blaze, Beck talks about the evolution of characters and how it would mirror real life situations, the role of religion on the show, and the reasons why he really watches the hit AMC show.  Here is the clip where Glenn Beck and his co-hosts talk about The Walking Dead:

The most interesting part of the clip is when Glenn Beck talks about how surviving for so long in an environment like that of The Walking Dead would change someone’s entire outlook on life.  Here is what he said about that the clip:

"“I’m actually looking at it as a study because I think it’s accurate on how, especially as you get to the later seasons, I think it’s very accurate on how you would change.”"

Beck continued on, talking about some of the major questions that have been raised while watching the The Walking Dead.  Those questions included things like “I don’t know if I can bury that many people,” and “What will my children be like if they go through this?”, but his major thoughts involved the role of religion on the show.

"“By the end of the first season you’ll say, ‘Where is God here? Where is God? And not questioning him, but questioning, was there nobody that believed in God survived?”"

Although Glenn Beck did talk about Morgan and Hershel, he was surprised to see a lack of a real religious presence on The Walking Dead.  He didn’t mention Father Gabriel, who seems to be questioning his faith at times and doesn’t seem to have the most honorable way of dealing with things during the undead apocalypse.

However, the nice thing is that The Walking Dead can bring together people of all religions, political parties, and backgrounds.  The 90 minutes season 5 finale should be a major event and one that fans of the show do not want to miss.  Be sure to tune in Sunday, March 29th at 9 pm EST to catch what could be the most intense episode of the season.  As always, be sure to check your local listings for time and availability.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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