On The Walking Dead, there have been several conflicts so far that have resulted from Rick’s group trying to adjust to life inside the walls of the Alexandria Safe-Zone. As a matter of fact, some of those conflicts got so large that it came really close to Rick getting kicked out of the community. But if that were to happen, how many people would follow him? Would all of “his” group follow? And would anyone from Alexandria decide to join him?
That was the question that was posed to us on Twitter from one of our great fans called BoxyFrown. She tweeted us with the hashtag #TWDAS and asked us what would happen if Rick’s group left. Who would stay? Who would go? Here is the tweet:
"@susiegrahamchuz: @missboxyfrown @digitmaxr @El_Caz If the group leaves will they lose members/gain Alexandrians? #TWDAS @UndeadWalkingFS"
— Miss Boxy Frown MBA (@missboxyfrown) March 25, 2015
We passed this question along to our friends at theStream.tv’s The Walking Dead After Show. Following each new episode of The Walking Dead, the gang on TWDAS talk about the events from the episode, answer some fan questions, and help prepare us for the next installment of The Walking Dead. Luckily for us, Malynda Hale, Glenna Gasparian, David Fichtenmayer and Timothy Michael took the time to answer this question for us in an EXCLUSIVE clip for us here at Undead Walking! Here is what they think would happen if the group were to leave:
Personally, I think that most of “Rick’s” group would go with him. Of course, there would be some exceptions. I do think that Father Gabriel would definitely stay, but I also figure that Maggie and Glenn would as well. I assume that they’re probably thinking about starting a family and that would be much easier in the Safe-Zone. Daryl might also be a wild card as he’s gotten really close to Aaron and Eric and has really embraced his role in the community.
As far as folks from Alexandria leaving the community and joining Rick, I think that would be a different story. There are only a couple characters that could handle that big adjustment. I think Enid would definitely consider making that jump. And if Rick was booted after the situation with Jessie’s husband Pete dying, Jessie would most likely follow him.
What do you guys think? Who do you think would follow Rick and who would decide to stay behind? Let us know in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to follow #theStreamtv on Twitter @theStreamtv and the after show hosts:
Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths
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