The Best Of The Walking Dead’s April Fools Day Jokes Of 2015

I have to admit, I’m not much for April Fools Day jokes.  And I usually hate them even more when they aren’t funny and don’t have some basis in reality.  However, there have been a handful of really cool and creative pranks involving The Walking Dead that made their rounds on the internet today, so let’s take a look at some of the best hoaxes around the web!

Saturday Morning Walking Dead

The “King” Of The Zombie Apocalypse

  • One of my favorite pranks came from the official website of horror master Stephen King.  He’s known for so many great books that have given people scares that it wasn’t too far out when an announcement was made that Stephen King would be writing The Walking Dead’s 6th season. He even went as far to say that three characters would die during the season 6 premiere and one of them carries a crossbow.  Well played, Mr. King.

World Of Walkercraft

  • Blizzard updated their popular World of Warcraft game and included some really cool stuff in the update notes that fans of The Walking Dead would get a kick out of.  Sadly, seeing this in the game notes really makes me wish for some kind of real game where I could do this kind of stuff.

A Sparkling Vampire With Lucille?

  • This joke from had many fans believing that former Twilight vampire Robert Pattinson would be the man who will be playing Negan on The Walking Dead.  In fact, so many people believed this post that it was spread ALL OVER Twitter and Facebook with many sites having to explain the joke.  However, if you read the article you’ll pick up on the great hints that this is all bunk and by time you click on the source at the bottom of the article, you know you’ve been had.

Did you see any other great The Walking Dead related April Fools Day posts today?  Or can you come up with any other great ones that were overlooked so far today?  Let us know in the comments below what you think!

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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