The Walking Dead’s Biggest Threat: Zombies Or Humans?

The Walking Dead gets a bad wrap from some folks that just call it a “zombie show” and don’t watch it because they’re afraid of the gore and horror that they believe the show will contain.  They think that because of all the undead creatures that are featured in the popular AMC show, it will just be too gruesome for them if walkers are just tearing everyone apart.  However, the zombies might be the least of the problems that surround the survivors on The Walking Dead.

According to a really cool chart on the Living with Data website made by Matt Yancey, the lives of characters have not exactly gone the way that many fans think.  And the zombies from The Walking Dead have posed much less of a threat than the other surviving humans on the show.

Here is the chart that shows the lifespan of all the major characters on the show with some bonus information on the bottom detailing some of the details of the character deaths and how they happened on The Walking Dead.

As you can see, your best chance for survival on The Walking Dead is if you are a character who is introduced during the show’s earlier seasons and stay as far away from other humans as possible.  Here is a better look at those numbers on the bottom if they are a bit hard to read in the graphic:

  • Total Characters: 105
  • Characters Alive: 31
  • Characters Killed by Walkers: 21
  • Characters Killed By The Living: 53

The interesting thing about these numbers is that more than half of the characters that were introduced on the show have met their end because of humans.  An amazing 50.4% of all characters have died that way.  To make that number even more relevant, consider that only 20% of all introduced characters have passed away due to the zombies on the show.  To round out the percentages, 29.6% of characters are still alive and kicking on The Walking Dead.

Human threats become even more apparent when the living are taken out of the equation.  Of all the character deaths, 71.6% of those came because of other survivors who were alive on The Walking Dead.  That means that only 29.4% of character deaths on The Walking Dead happen due to a member of the undead.

After seeing those numbers, did it change the way you thought of the threats on The Walking Dead?  Or did you always see the people as the biggest threat for survival on the show?  Let me know in the comments below your reaction to these staggering numbers.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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