The Walking Dead Season 6: Filming Is Currently Underway

The Walking Dead’s fifth season left many fans with their jaws dropped and a huge curiosity for what will happen next.  Sadly, we’ll have to wait until the break between season 5 and season 6 is over to get new episodes of the popular AMC zombie drama.

Luckily for us, filming is underway in Georgia on The Walking Dead’s sixth season. That means that we’re even closer to having the popular show return to television.  In addition to that, we can also get some spoilers as far as some of the locations and major events that go on.


According to the best groups out there for updates on filming for The Walking Dead, The Spoiling Dead Fans has shared a photograph from one of the show’s filming locations.

Photo courtesy of The Spoiling Dead Fans on Facebook

One of their contributors named “Mike” shared this photo from outside what looks like a farming supply store called “Rendon”.  In the photo, you can see Greg Nicotero and at least one walker on the location.  According to The Spoiling Dead Fans, this location is in Manchester, Georgia and could be home to much more of The Walking Dead’s season 6 filming.

As The Spoiling Dead Fans always says, be sure to not get in the way of filming or cause a disruption for the cast and crew of The Walking Dead.  While spoilers like this are fun, they aren’t fun when they intrude on people trying to create entertainment for millions of fans worldwide.

Huge thanks go out to Mike and The Spoiling Dead Fans for this photo and make sure to check them up for lots of great updates on filming and other spoilers from The Walking Dead.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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