The Walking Dead Season 6: What’s Next For Rosita?

The Walking Dead is one of the most popular shows on television.  The popular AMC zombie drama follows the adventures of a group of survivors attempting to find a secure place to attempt civilization during the undead apocalypse.

One of the major issues with the show is the sheer number of characters involved.  While characters like Rick Grimes, Beth Greene and others get long, featured storylines, others seem to take a backseat.  Because of that, fans are left with characters that they don’t know a lot about, even after being around for multiple seasons of The Walking Dead.

One of those characters is Rosita Espinosa.  We know very little about her life before the outbreak and her journey before meeting up with Rick Grimes and the big group during season 4.  Hopefully, we’ll get the chance to learn a bit more about her on the show, but it also leaves us wondering what is next for her on AMC’s The Walking Dead.

For a possible glimpse into the future of The Walking Dead, let’s look to the pages of The Walking Dead’s comic book to see what happens next for Rosita.  Keep in mind that the show does like to go a different direction from the comics at times, so it isn’t written in stone that these things will happen.

**Warning: Comic Book Spoilers Below**

In the comics, Rosita discovers that Abraham has been intimate with Holly from the Alexandria Safe-Zone (possibly Francine from the show), and confronted him.  He said that she’s “no longer the last woman on Earth” and gave a half-hearted apology.

After that, the wall came down at the Alexandria-Safe Zone, leading to Abraham and Rosita being trapped together inside their home.  After some of the community’s residents made an attack on the walkers to attempt to take Alexandria back, Abraham and Rosita join in the efforts and begin slaying the undead.

Following the successful reclaiming of Alexandria, Rosita moves out of the house that her and Abraham shared and goes to stay with Eugene.  She even calls him “the only friend she’s got”.

Nothing else of note really happens for Rosita until after the appearance of The Saviors, which is unlikely to happen during season 6 of The Walking Dead.  However, I could see Rosita possibly taking on a bigger role in the show by joining one of the bigger groups for supply runs or assigning her a different job in the Safe-Zone.

It’s also possible that they’ll speed up her entry into a relationship with one of the current characters on The Walking Dead after she finds out about what Abraham has been up to, but I expect her story to essentially continue with us learning very little about her again.

What do you guys think?  Do you think we will learn more about Rosita during season 6 or will we continue not knowing her story?  And what would you like to see next for her on The Walking Dead?  Let me know in the comments below!

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