The Walking Dead Season 6: Will Enid Play A Major Role?

The Walking Dead is still on their break between season 5 and season 6, but that doesn’t stop information from leaking out about production or filming of the hit AMC zombie drama.  As a matter of fact, recently there has been quite a bit of buzz about a character that hasn’t had a major impact on the series yet.

During season 5 of The Walking Dead, we were introduced to Enid (played by a talented young actress named Katelyn Nacon).  Although she was a resident of Alexandria, she never quite seemed to belong there.  She was often seen sneaking over the secure walls of the community and seemed mighty suspicious while doing so.  Even after she was caught by Carl Grimes during one of her trips outside Alexandria, Enid continued to make viewers question her intentions and cast some doubt on her true allegiance.

One of the best sources for spoilers and filming information on the internet is The Spoiling Dead Fans.  Recently, they posted a photo and some information about a scene that was being filmed at the Alexandria Safe Zone for The Walking Dead’s sixth season.  Here’s what they said:

***Warning: Season 6 Filming Spoilers Below***

"“Enid was filming along with unknown others. There is an unknown woman in the driver seat. Enid yells “they’re coming” as two walkers attack the white vehicle. There were likely more walkers, but this is the exact vehicle we posted pictures of all bloodied up.”"

While this doesn’t mean that Enid will be a driving force during The Walking Dead’s sixth season, it does mean that we will see her role at least increase.  As you can see from the photo that The Spoiling Dead Fans shared, there’s what looks to be a white SUV with Enid nearby.  Behind them looks to be a stone wall.

This adds to my theory that Enid is the television version of Lydia from The Walking Dead’s comic book series.  The strangers could be some of her family members from The Whisperers, who were rumored to be the next big villains after The Wolves.

Still, nothing is really known as to who these people filming along side Enid are or what their role will be on The Walking Dead.  For now, all we can do is speculate, but guessing about what will happen is quite a bit of fun as well.

Huge thanks go out to The Spoiling Dead Fans on Facebook for sharing this information.  If you love spoilers and filming info, I highly recommend you head over there and give them a “Like”.

The Walking Dead is set to return from hiatus this Fall on AMC.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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