The Walking Dead Fan Art: Jamie from Ireland

The Walking Dead has inspired many fan artists. Two of the fan artists I’ve featured here at Undeadwalking have inspired another young artist from Ireland, Jamie. He’s a humble sixteen year old who doesn’t like to refer to himself as an artist yet because he doesn’t feel he’s at the same level as other artists, but he is an artist nonetheless.  in my opinion, you don’t wait until you’re perfect to refer to yourself as an artist, you are an artist all along in your heart and soul. Jamie started drawing when he was eight and hasn’t stopped.

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On his Twitter page, @jlkklo15, he refers to himself as a Walking Dead extremist. He has watched the show since the beginning and read the comics before that. He hasn’t completed as many Walking Dead drawings as he would like because of being in school, but he’s done quite a few sketches and two pen portraits.  He usually draws in his room in his spare time, mostly using a standard pen, but sometimes graphite pencils.  For Jamie the most important thing about art is having fun. He also enjoys painting and special effects makeup in addition to drawing.

It intrigued Jamie to learn that there were other artists out there who drew Walking Dead art. He is inspired by Kirk Manley and Elizabeth Gray,  two artists that I’ve found inspiring as well from Twitter who do amazing Walking Dead artwork. I hope Jamie continues to draw and continues to share his work with us on Twitter. I love finding different fan artists and I love when they share not only their work, but their process and passion. I find Jamie’s drawings to be very realistic and filled with emotion that draws you into the work and keeps you there. I hope that Jamie finds the confidence to refer to himself as the artist that he is!

Let us know if you find any great fan art for The Walking Dead. We’d love to share it on Twitter or even highlight it in an article.


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