Breaking Down The Walking Dead Season 6 Comic-Con Poster

The Walking Dead promotional poster from San Diego Comic Con
The Walking Dead promotional poster from San Diego Comic Con

With The Walking Dead not scheduled to return from their break until October and no “Dead, White, and Blue” marathon on AMC to help hold us over, news regarding the hit zombie drama has been relatively quiet.  However, today a poster was released for Comic-Con International that has some people talking.

The poster doesn’t give away any kind of spoiler.  In fact, all it does is show the characters that we love from The Walking Dead standing in front of a backdrop of Alexandria.  Yet, there are plenty of things going on in the poster that are quite interesting.

Let’s take a look at the full poster and discuss some of the interesting things about it:

The Walking Dead promotional poster from San Diego Comic Con
The Walking Dead promotional poster from San Diego Comic Con

First, the focus of the poster is Rick Grimes and Morgan Jones.  This isn’t no surprise, as Robert Kirkman has already said that Rick and Morgan would be “the spine” of season 6.  However, the look on their faces are what is the most interesting thing about this poster.  Morgan’s sneer is also expected because when we left off, he had just witnessed Rick executing Pete in front of the residents of Alexandria.  Meanwhile, Rick has almost a condescending look in the direction of Morgan.  Their different ideologies will clash during season 6 and should make for great television.

Also interesting in the poster is the distribution of other characters.  A majority of them are grouped on the left, including most of the group of survivors that had been with Rick Grimes symbolically “behind” him.  That includes Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Tara, Carol, Michonne, Carol, Sasha, Maggie, Glenn and Daryl.  Each of those characters have been on the show since at least season 4.

Behind Morgan we have the group from Alexandria including one survivor from Rick’s group.  That is interesting, since the one character that is on the opposite side (Father Gabriel) is the one that attempted to “rat out” the rest of the group to Deanna.  Also on the right side is Deanna, Aaron, Jessie, and Spencer.

Placement of the two groups on the poster is also intriguing.  Rick’s group has their back up against the wall while the residents of Alexandria (and Gabriel) have the buildings of the community behind them.  Does this mean there will be a conflict between Alexandria and Rick’s group despite the way things ended during season 5?  Or will they come together for a common cause?

The sky behind everyone looks like it is about to storm.  Instead of a sunny, bright day, there are dark clouds on the horizon.  Also, the sky behind them in rather large in comparison to the characters on the poster.  The significance of that is lost on me at this moment, but I’m sure it isn’t an accident.

The Walking Dead is set to return for season 6 this October on AMC.  Stay tuned in to Undead Walking for more updates on the most popular zombie drama on television!

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