Josh McDermitt is on Periscope!


Josh McDermitt is on Periscope-a new app on Twitter where users can go live on video and followers can sign in to say hi, toss hearts and ask questions. His sessions are frequently full within seconds of going live. I was able to get into one session and the hearts, questions and comments were flying up the screen like credits at the end of a movie, only so fast you’d never be able to find that one actor’s name you were looking for that you knew you recognized  from somewhere.

Josh seems to really enjoy his Periscope snippets. And he’s a natural at it. Perhaps it’s an easier, faster and more fun way for him to interact with his fans than the 140 characters on Twitter. He did several Periscopes from Walker Stalker Con in Orlando.

A few other Walking Dead peeps have done Periscopes recently. Scott Gimple did a short one from the Saturn Awards. Jordan Woods-Robinson, Eric, and Addy Miller, bunny slipper girl did one from Walker Stalker Con Orlando as well. I’m sure that others may be on Periscope already and more may join soon.


I attended Addy Miller’s session and she answered my questions and questions of other fans and walked around the con floor visiting “Enid” and giving us a feeling like we were at the con, too. I asked if it was scary for her acting like she got shot. She said no because she knew ahead of time and knew she wasn’t going to get hurt. I also asked if it made her happy to be the beginning of it all.  She said yes, she wouldn’t be here if she wasn’t part of the start of the show. Another fan asked about the make-up, which she said took two and a half hours to do.

Are you on Periscope yet? If you’re a Walking Dead fan,  you might want to follow Addy and Josh. Both seem to love it and Josh will be McScoping on a device near you very soon!

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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