Fear the Walking Dead: New key art released for Comic Con


Fear the Walking Dead has released some new key art for their appearance at San Diego Comic Con. 

New key art has been released by Fear the Walking Dead for their appearance at San Diego Comic Con in July. The art is phenomenal! Check it out above and let us know what you think about it.

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Fear the Walking Dead is going to take place in Los Angeles and they used all the awesome elements of Southern California in the poster to show the scenery change. The original series of The Walking Dead takes place on the other coast of the United States with the group fighting to stay alive in Georgia.

Southern California is known for the golden beaches and in the key art, they show the Santa Monica Pier in the background. The most powerful part of the poster is the footsteps in the sand that shows a dragging of the feet of a walker. I freaking love the piece that they created. Without showing a walker or the characters of the show, they have drawn people in with the art. I don’t know how empty the beach would be though.

Fear the Walking Dead will be on air in August and we could see some walkers dragging their feet around on the West Coast. It should be an intense season.

Can’t wait to see Fear the Walking Dead. I just hope that it will be able to live up to the hype.

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