Fear The Walking Dead Official Comic-Con Trailer [VIDEO]

ByAdam Carlson|

Today is a great day for fans of zombies.  Not only did we get the announcement of the return date for season 6 of AMC’s The Walking Dead, but we were also treated to a trailer for when it returns.  As a bonus, we are also being treated to news regarding the show’s companion series, Fear The Walking Dead.

Before today, we had some casting information, a couple teasers, and some backstage videos, but now, thanks to Wizard World’s 2015 Comic-Con International, we finally have a full length trailer for next month’s premiere of Fear The Walking Dead.

Here is the official video from AMC’s YouTube account:

It’s great to finally get a look into how these characters will interact.  After months of wondering how these individuals would react to trying to live their daily lives while the threat of undead becomes more real with every passing second.

If nothing, this trailer should give more hope to those that are skeptical about the success of Fear The Walking Dead considering that it will be starting over from scratch.  Getting to know these new characters and learning to care about them will be essential to enjoying this series and accepting it into the universe of The Walking Dead.

Personally, I feel that an excellent cast has been assembled for this show and am very excited to see it play out.  It may not take off with bang the way that The Walking Dead did when it premiered five seasons ago, but Fear The Walking Dead has a lot of potential to become a popular program to help build the walker empire.

What did you guys think?  Did the trailer get your more excited for the premiere of Fear The Walking Dead?  Or do you feel that it will be a disappointment when it finally does hit television screens?  Let me know in the comments below.

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