The Walking Dead: Deaths In The Season 6 Comic-Con Trailer

The Tractor Stop, The Walking Dead - AMC
The Tractor Stop, The Walking Dead - AMC /

Some fans are going crazy speculating about the deaths of two major characters from AMC’s The Walking Dead.  Specifically, there is a scene in the new season 6 trailer from Wizard World’s 2015 Comic-Con International in San Diego, California that has many people concerned about the fate of two of the most popular characters in Alexandria.

The first death in the trailer is one that AMC doesn’t hesitate to show.  A woman is laying on the ground and is swarmed by walkers.  The initial view is enough to make people wonder if this is either Maggie Greene or Tara Chambler.

Here is a photo of the woman as she is being devoured:

woman being devoured by walkers, The Walking Dead - AMC
woman being devoured by walkers, The Walking Dead – AMC /

Although this woman shares several characteristics with both Maggie and Tara, fans should breathe a sigh of relief to know that this isn’t either of those woman.  In fact, this is a new character that will be introduced during season 6 who was likely already a member of Alexandria, but we didn’t get the opportunity to meet.  She appears in again in the trailer as part of a group of survivors which looks to include Heath and several others.

As you can see from the picture below, the clothing are an identical match and everything else checks out as well.  Plus, AMC is smart enough not to include the death of a major character like Maggie or Tara in the trailer, as that moment would have much more impact when used in a surprising fashion during an episode.

group running through the woods, The Walking Dead – AMC /

But that wasn’t the only death in the trailer.  Eagle-eyed viewers were also able to spot a man in a green button-down shirt who was standing outside the Tractor Spot supply store.  He’s there with a group of survivors that are likely looking for equipment for their community.

At this time, we don’t know who this man in the green shirt with a gun is, but he’s got his sleeves rolled up and is ready for action.

green shirt guy, The Walking Dead, AMC
green shirt guy, The Walking Dead, AMC /

Sadly, the action he will get isn’t the kind that he was looking for.  Instead, we see him later on during the trailer laying dead in the middle of the road as an angered Rick Grimes is hacking up walkers with his machete.  You can tell that this is the same man by the identical clothing as well as the placement of his firearm on his right hip.

Here is the photo from the trailer with green shirt guy and Rick:

Green shirt guy, The Walking Dead - AMC
Green shirt guy, The Walking Dead – AMC /

Those are the two deaths that I was able to observe in The Walking Dead’s season 6 Comic-Con trailer.  There may be more, but it is interesting that two deaths were featured in the trailer of human beings.  So, if you read this far down and saw all these pictures, you should now know not to get too attached to these characters, as they will likely not be around for long.

What do you guys think?  Did the death of the woman fool you into thinking it was either Maggie or Tara?  And did you put together the death of the green shirt man outside the tractor supply store?  Let me know in the comments below.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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