Fear The Walking Dead: What am I afraid of?

Fear the Walking Dead - AMC
Fear the Walking Dead - AMC /

I am truly looking forward to the August 23rd premiere of Fear The Walking Dead. I have high hopes for the series and am anxious to meet new characters and get a new point of view in this fictional apocalyptic world.
With that said, it can sometimes be hard to commit to a follow-up series (whether it be a companion, spinoff, sequel, or prequel). I want it to be fabulous. I want it to be successful. It’s in the hands of an amazing production team that includes talent from the original series.

Nick Bennett, Fear The Walking Dead - AMC
Nick Bennett, Fear The Walking Dead – AMC /

So, what am I afraid of?

  • As a mom, I compare it to having a second child. You wonder “how can I love another child (or series) as much as the first?”
  • Then there’s the concern that I could be disappointed. What if I get all excited and the show simply doesn’t resonate with me?
  • And then there is that creepy feeling that I am sort of being disloyal to the current show by embracing a new one.
  • Do I “fear” that I will be distracted with the temptation to make comparisons to The Walking Dead?
  • Oh, and horror of horrors, what if I discover a new favorite character? How will Rick, Daryl, or Michonne feel about that?
  • Finally, what if I absolutely love the companion series, and after only 6 amazing episodes, I have to wait for what feels like an eternity for my new show to return?

So, what are you afraid of? Are you ready to jump in feet first? Or, are you holding back just a small piece of your fan heart? Please share in the Comments section!

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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