The Walking Dead: How are Season 6 walkers even walking?


Fear the Walking Dead is going to be startling because the walkers will be so fresh. We still have fresh walkers in The Walking Dead though. New people do turn. But some of the walkers have been wandering for the entire post-apocalyptic period and perhaps have not had much luck with nourishment.

The walkers have been getting more and more gruesome in more and more interesting scenarios as the seasons have progressed. At one time bicycle girl and well walker were considered pretty hard to top. Since then we’ve had napalm walkers, melted faces, flares in the eye sockets, food bank water walkers, and many more. I know someone is going to say, “How could you not have mentioned such and such disgusting walker?”


And that’s just the walkers themselves, not even touching the nasty and fantastic walker kills.

In season 6, it looks like Mr, Nicotero has been inspired by the new walkers on the block to really show his love for the walkers who’ve been around the woods awhile. They are magnificent. And if these are pictures that tight-lipped and secretive Walking Dead execs and AMC are willing to show us, I can’t imagine what’s still under wraps.

Some are so fragile I don’t know how they are able to walk, or even remain upright enough to do my favorite thing: the walker lean. One is actually tethered to a tree somehow keeping him up. But I’d think he’d get so weak, he’d puddle like the melting Wicked Witch of the West!


One poor guy looks like someone nearly got him with a knife and then perhaps ran away, leaving him with a Merle collar neck, not to mention a slightly marked face.

I wonder if they will they earn some new names? Loiterers? Lingerers? Lollygagers? Hey, I just thought of the name I’d give them! LEANERS! 

What do you think of the new walkers?  For a show that we always say isn’t really about the zombies–it’s about the people. I’m all about these zombies!


Do you love walkers? Read more!   Let’s Talk Walkers!      Walkers Talk on Facebook!    Walkers go shopping!

Stephen Vining
Stephen Vining

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