The Walking Dead season 6 casting call: 2 stand-ins

Morgan Jones, The Walking Dead - AMC
Morgan Jones, The Walking Dead - AMC /

The Walking Dead is once again seeking actors to play a stand-in role for the popular AMC zombie survival drama’s sixth season.

This time, there are two available casting calls for photo doubles.  One is a position that had been posted and is no longer filled and another is a brand new listing that could match many potential candidates in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

Here is the first listing for two stand-ins for filming of The Walking Dead’s sixth season from the Project Casting website:

"“Looking for a photo double for tomorrow and possibly Friday — An African-American male – around 5’9 or 5’10 — short hair — email a recent photo and all contact info“"

Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) - The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 16 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) – The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 16 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

At this time, it isn’t known who the stand in is for.  However, people who match the description should not hesitate to send in their photos and contact information.

Previously, AMC’s The Walking Dead were searching for a young male with quite specific requirements and are still seeking that stand-in for a future photo double.  Here is a repeat of that listing:

"“Still looking for a photo double to work the week of 8/17 and possibly the week after – caucasian boy brown hair4’10” 80 lbs pants-12/14 shirt-10/12 shoe 6 (as close to these sizes as possible – could vary slightly)Email a recent photo, exactly as hair looks today – age – all sizes and parents contact info to:“"

Those who meet the requirements or are the parents of a child who fits the description should be sure to apply for the job, as getting your foot in the door through one of the most popular shows on television, even in a stand in or cameo role, can be a huge jumping off point for a young career.

REMINDER:  We at Undead Walking do not make the decisions when it comes to casting for AMC’s The Walking Dead.  However, we do like to pass along opportunities for young actors and actresses through our website in an effort to educate our readers on upcoming roles on the show and acting opportunities.  We encourage anyone interested in applying to do so.

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