Fear The Walking Dead to air on New Zealand’s SoHo network

Fear The Walking Dead - AMC
Fear The Walking Dead - AMC /

International fans of zombie shows will have an opportunity to watch Fear The Walking Dead the same day that it airs in the United States, but there is a catch.

Sky's Soho Channel logo - Sky Television
Sky’s Soho Channel logo – Sky Television /

In order for fans of the series to watch the show, they will need to subscribe to Sky TV’s SoHo channel.

SoHo is a premium channel that is offered in New Zealand through the Sky Television Network.  Subscribers to Sky’s service can get the channel for $9.99 per month and features popular shows from channels like HBO, Cinemax, Starz, Showtime, and AMC.

Fear The Walking Dead airs on August 23, 2015 at 9:00 pm Eastern Time.  It will be available on Sky’s SoHo channel on August 24th at 8:30 pm for residents of New Zealand and parts of Australia.  When you factor in the time zones, which means that it will be 7 1/2 hours after the initial television airing on AMC on the east coast of the United States.

Personally, I really dislike that international fans of Fear The Walking Dead as well as The Walking Dead have to wait considerable amounts of time to watch the show.  That means avoiding social media, where spoilers are everywhere.  That’s even more difficult because many fans of these kind of programs have a group of people they enjoy discussing each episode with, such as #TWDFamily on Twitter and other groups on Facebook.

Without illegally streaming the show, these television networks make it difficult for fans all over the world to enjoy shows like Fear The Walking Dead at the same time and discuss them on social media in real-time.  And that’s a pity.  But at least Sky’s SoHo channel has helped to make the wait shorter.

Next: Walking Dead 50 most shocking moments and deaths

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